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Sometimes you wonder how God really feels about us and our many ways of deceit. If you remember armed robbers asking pastors to pray for their success then you cannot but marvel at the very great patience of our EXTREMELY TOLERANT FATHER!
Some people have estimated that last Saturday over 1million candidates out of 1.7million were probably involved in examination practice!.The intension of this post is not to examine why so many were involved. We will do that through another post coming up later.
What this post aims at is the exposition of the dishonesty and disrespect by candidates who cheat or disobey ground rules without blinking one eyelid and who then call on “God of Abraham” to solve troubles brought upon themselves. Why they do not call on satan who inspired them into trouble makes some of them sound like clowns in their statements hereby reproduced below from various websites.
1. “Please sir help me release my result please i beg you in the name of the Lord Almighty. It is very painful spending all this money and stress without having any result to show please sir”-TOCHUKWU
2. “I dont know why some result came out and other no.pls i need an answer from jamb because iam a victim”-FELIX
3. “I see no reason why my result should be subjected to further screening .Besides, this is not my first time of writing jamb .I have learnt my mistake then.and have burnt my candle in order to succeed or is jamb happy in candidates massive failure /seeing tears in the face of jamb candidates? JAMB PLS RECTIFY MY RESULT & MAKE IT PRESENTABLE TO UNIVERSITIES FOR ADMISSION. GOD BLESS JAMB. GOD BLESS NIG..GOD BLESS ME."-TOPE
4. “Gudmorning jamb board members,pls i cant view my government, commerce and c.r.s,….my eyes have been filled with tears since…had it been i didnt forgo my sleep to make this paper it would have bn a different case everything i wrote came from my brain,its only my english which is 77 appeared ,and was aggregiated 77,pls i beg you in the name of God Almightz release my result”.-MAUREEN
5. “Pls sir av been checking right 4rm d 3rd week jamb result was released&wat am seeing is only english result..i no and am sure of wat i av done pls sir release my result,my choice of institution's post ume is a week 4rm nw,pls God wl send helpers 2ur children too and ur source of joy wl nt become dat of sorrow.thank u sir&God bless”-SEYI
6. “Pls,release my result in the name of God because post- ume is approaching “-Amina
7. “God please do something let us rejoice with others please...... Jamb pls have mercy”-Victor
8. “I do not know why my results were not released in full, I was only given English and Biology. My Physics and Chemistry were not released. Please if there is any way you people can help me out before UNIBEN will start selling their form, please, do. I cannot afford writing Jamb over and over. Please I am on my kneel.to you and God”:-GODWIN
9. “jamb board pls i wrote 4 subject but saw only 2 my scores are english- 56 economics-63 govt ..... Geography.....pls with this scores i know that i will do very well so pls ma/sir help me pls i beg with God”-IKEMEFUNA
10. “Pls sir/ma i reg for 4 subject in th just conclud jamb exams. I wrote 4 papers, but when the result was out only 2 subject was released which is mathr and english. D other papers were physics and geography which is d only hope 4 me.pls sir i have been crying since d the result was out i need your assistance,i suffered so much only 4 me to pass by reading mybooks frequently.pls sir/ma,have mercy on me in the name of d lord”.-DOLAPO
11. “Pls sir i wrote the jamb and completed every sheding but my result is still missing i.e economics and mathematics pls help your daughter because this is my third time of writing am spendind too much money on this and now the same problem”THOMAS
12. “Dear sir/ma, please i'm pleading for the release of my biology which was not included in my result. My aggregate is 159. Please i will be very grateful if my request is löoked into and granted. Tanks in anticipation of your favourably responds. May God bless U as u do so”.-PRINCESS
13. “I wrote 4 subject. Only 3 ware release. Jamb pls am beging u to release my maths 4 me. As u do that God will bless u.i luv u all.”-PETER
14. “Sir.i come in d name of our lord jesus.i humbly ask 4 d realease of my physics result.i cry all day 4 dis result.may heaven touch u 2 do smth abt it.i love u all.God bless”-GERALDINE
15. “Dear jamb my result is incomplete.i've not seen my Gov, C r s, and Econs. Pls help me am tied of staying at home i beg u in the name of God”.-NABOTH
16. “In the name of Almighty God i plead to you jamb boss to kindly release my chemistry and physics for memay God continue to elevate you as you do that in jesus name(Amen)”-TOSH
17. “My name is J.M junior,am from Rivers State,i recently checked my jamb result,and to my suprise; my chemistry was missen.I was astounded,and i don't know why other results were released and my chemistry not.I beseech Jamb and its officials to please release my result in the name of God,or should please tell me how to go about retrieving my chemistry”.JUNIOR
18. “Jamb i'm really hurt n messed up after wrtin jamb 4 d 3rd tym nver knw anytin incomplete result pls 4 God sake go back n check d result again so dat u mak we hppy”.-BALA
19. “Pls sir/ma help ur daughter i know i shed every thing needed pls sir/ma help the poor girl i dont have a helper if not u .THANKS GOD WILL BLESS U AMEN-“ CHINYERE
20. “Sir I complied to all instructions given by jamb.why must I have incomplete result? .pls sir I beg you in the name of God to make a complete result for me werther pass or fail”-CHOKO
1. Most likely not all these people cheated. But using the estimated number of those involved in malpractice last Saturday one can safely say more than half of those using God’s name above were doing so in vain.
2. To what happened last Saturday here is what some readers said
a.“Mak una no dey call God inside this expo things oh! Even mechanics and carpenters had all the subjects since last night.I saw a candidate that did math, not even one question was solved but she shaded all.She was just marking not all was correct though. Nigeria is in trouble!-Allen”
b.“Some candidates who are choristers in my church cheated last Saturday and turned up on Sunday for "ministration" and "testimony”. Do they think they are deceiving God? -CHRIS
3.If JAMB does not release results as early as it did last year those who cheated should be ready for some nose-bleed.On the other hand JAMB might do so and get many results cancelled eventually.The announcement by the Minister about admission capacity might not be unrelated to what might come from JAMB.
4. This write-up is also our way of saying that no one who cheated last Saturday should bother registering with us for post-JAMB services. And that if you have paid money into our account as specified in a recent post you should please ask for refund..You know yourselves. Or don’t you?
Thank you.
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