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After reading the last two posts some questions might be bubbling in our minds as follows...
1.Is there any correlation between Dyslexia and Autism? Or is dyslexia common with autism?
2.What about Aspergers, Bipolar, ADD and HD? How are they related or linked to autism?
3.What about those children usually called "physically handicapped"? Are they autistic too?
4.What about memory loss through a blow to the brain or through a car accident or through stroke? Can they be classified as autistic too?
There was the case of a girl,the child of a highly experienced medical doctor and whose mother is a school proprietress.Despite ths best ante-natal care this girl had learning disability right from birth.She had acute inability to process info given to her to any logical conclusion.Even to her it was a very frustrating experience! She was brought to Mason College to repeat her WAEC exams after she failed at the girls-only school she attended for 6 yrs.So what went wrong? How were the problems tackled at Mason College and what was the end result? We shall give more info later.
There was also the case of another boy brought to Mason College after he had a car accident in the U.S.He was in coma for a long period of time and when he came back to life he could no longer recognize most members of his family!Again how was the challenge tackled through our College without special educationists?
We shall come back to these two cases after we might have attempted to answer the questions above by citing other real life experiences mainly extracted from the net. So lets read other stories to know a bit more about autism.That is, we shall move away from Mason College cases temporarily into real life personal stories of other families in a bid to know more of what autism really is.
Question by BGDMOM:Correlation between Dyslexia and Autism?
Hi, I have a 5yr. old niece who is being tested for Dyslexia and my brother says that someone mentioned a connection between Autism and Dyslexia. I have worked with special needs preschoolers and a few were Autistic ( one had Aspergers) but I had never heard of this before. She is extremely shy and throws tantrums continuously.Eye contact is an issue with her also. At the preschool that she attends they have been working with her on basic skills but she can't spell her name and only counts to 20 ( if she's in the right mood). Anyone out there have input?
Best Answer by Georgie
While Autism and Dyslexia are both neurological disorders, and they do have some similar symptoms, but they are also very different, but they can co-exist. People with dyslexia have a normal IQ, but they have problems with reading writing and doing maths (Dyscalula), and some may have co-ordination problems (Dyspraxia).
Autism causes social and communication problems, appears to be aloof, socially awkward, react strongly to changes outside of their normal routine, learning difficulties, repetitive behaviours and may have extraordinary knowledge or skills in specific area e.g music.
I would hope that she is given a full assessment by a pediatrician and or a child psychologist, which includes testing for dyslexia, and other disorders in the Autism spectrum, once this is done, they will set up a IEP (Individualized Education Program) and may involve a multi-disciplinary team such as;
Occupational Therapy
Social Work
Speech Pathology
Who will work with the student, parents and school to gain the best outcomes for the students future.
Autism causes social and communication problems, appears to be aloof, socially awkward, react strongly to changes outside of their normal routine, learning difficulties, repetitive behaviours and may have extraordinary knowledge or skills in specific area e.g music.
I would hope that she is given a full assessment by a pediatrician and or a child psychologist, which includes testing for dyslexia, and other disorders in the Autism spectrum, once this is done, they will set up a IEP (Individualized Education Program) and may involve a multi-disciplinary team such as;
Occupational Therapy
Social Work
Speech Pathology
Who will work with the student, parents and school to gain the best outcomes for the students future.
Youth & Disability support worker
.Other Answers
- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4845300/
Both my daughter and I have Dyslexia
Question by KERZ 11:Is dyslexia common with autism?
1.YES! Dyslexia and autism are common co-morbidities, they aren't as common as autism/bipolar, or autism/ADD/HD though.I have both, occurred same time 30 years ago. I am visual spatial dyslexic, originally dx with a PDD. In college, dx asperger's but I believe I could really be more HFA than aspie but idk.My son, has both. Dx with PDD.NOS or autistic features at 25 months old. Dx dyslexic at 7.5 years old. (he also has an ADD.NOS dx too).My other son is PDD.NOS, and hyperlexic and my father is asperger's and hyperlexic
Both dyslexics and autistics have a larger more condensed frontal lobe, more likely to think in pictures, have superb phonemic awareness my son scored 27+ years on this in his woodcock johnson IEE supporting an underdevelopment in Wernicke's area and overdevelopment in Broca's area 44 and 45. Please see the current science journal article of A biological basis for dyslexia: a maturing perspective. The echolalia you see in many on the spectrum also supports an advanced Broca's area 44+45. This is also why so many actors come out and say they are on the spectrum, or dyslexic.
Actors on the spectrum: Andy Kauffman, Dan Ackroyd, Darryl Hannah, Woody Allen
Actors who are dyslexic:Tom Cruise, Robin Williams, Orlando Bloom, Billy Bob Thorton
Those given an autistic diagnosis and a dyslexic diagnosis: Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, Keanu Reeves
.Other Answers
2.It depends, it's less common if the person is a visual learner. My son and I have hyperlexia, that is we are so visual we learned to read and write before speaking. It is considered the mirror-image of dyslexia, that is, we can read (even think in) text just fine, but sometimes hear things in a jumbled way (especially in a crowded room, etc)..Twitch Bunny.
3.read these links please... McmC
3.read these links please... McmC
- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4845300/
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