1. The Dictionary definition of WEALTH is “riches, being rich or being abundant”. On the other hand COMMON SENSE means having sound practical thoughts and habits (OXFORD).On its own, wealth is nothing except it brings happiness to its owner. Unfortunately it does not always do so. The great American billionaire, Rockefeller said wealth did not bring him happiness and that he was happier when he was a mechanic. In fact the scriptures say it is harder for a rich person to get to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. (Mathew 19:24).
2. The purpose of our discussion today is to get briefed on what we can do to be prosperous and thereafter know what to do with that prosperity- right from our youth.
3. The common sense for wealth management can be smmarized in the following words LEARNING, EMPLOYMENT, ACCUMULATION, SAVINGS, ENGAGEMENT (LEASE or lease of life).
a. LEARNING – Get “complete” education. Learn about financial concepts too.
b. EMPLOYMENT – Seek for a job or be self-employed in an environment that is natural with you.
c. ACCUMULATION --- Work hard to make progress in whatever you do. Keep close to God in all things. Promotion, progress and riches shall follow.
d. SAVINGS –Don’t spend all your income. Save part of it and invest it for future income.
e. ENGAGE – Use your wealth for Gods work, your family and fellow human beings. Don’t let the wealth be your master.
A poor and unhappy man can be said to be a person who does not use the common sense principles of LEASE. Here are the characteristics of a poor man.
a. THOUGHTS: The poor man always think small forgetting that everything we see on earth the land, tree, moon, stars, the air are the products of the thought of God. If you think great you will do great things. “Small Thinking” is the root cause of poverty. As a man thinks so is he. God’s thoughts are so powerful that He thought of the star and the moon and spoke them into existence. Because of the power of His thoughts he did not need any labor to put them into existence. We should also remember that God created us in His image and decreed a lot of power into us.
b. UNBELIEF: The poor man is a chronic unbeliever. He does not believe in himself or in other people. The government or the economy. He does not even believe in God’s ability and willingness to provide for him.
c. OPINION: To the poor man money is evil. He thinks to be rich is sin. He thinks all rich men are crooks. He thinks riches bring trouble. He knows why it is not good to be rich. He even hates rich people.
d. SPEECH: The poor man speaks negative words, curses everyone and everything. He talks lack and want all the time. He will give you reason all the time why he cannot improve his situation. He will say all the time that “Nigeria don spoil” But the Lord says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. With his mouth confession is made into perpetual poverty.
e. VISION: The poor man has no good plan for tomorrow. He has no provision for education, more income and even the training of his children. On a dark night he will see darkness only, whereas the rich man will notice any brilliant star in the dark.
f. ACTIVITY: The poor man is a loafer. When he works he does not do it well. He works hard instead of working smart and he remains at work for ever. He is always looking for fortune through pools, gambling and 419.
g. ASSOCIATION: His friends are birds of the same feather. They are found in poor places. Poor eating places, poor neighborhoods. There they smoke, drink and sometimes quarrel on the streets or with their wives or their neighbors. Many of them plan evil together such as robbery, rape and fraud.
h. FALSE LIVING: Sometimes the poor man likes to talk and behave like a rich man. He buys food on credit and rides cars he cannot support or maintain. He also borrows dresses only the rich can wear. He is a name-dropper of uncles, friends, father and mother. He is usually fake.
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i. QUITTER: He is always a quitter. He tries but always stop midway. Quitters never win.
j. MONEY: Poor men are riotous spenders. They have no respect for money. Give them some money they will go wild. Wives, women, weed, gambling and liquor will snatch the money from them. Even the way they squeeze money is unbelievable. Have you ever seen how taxi drivers and petty traders handle money? They squeeze, rumple and tear money like rags. If you are money will you like to come back to them? Money usually reject those who have no respect for it.
1. Start your day with praises, prayers and thanksgiving to God to claim new blessings each day.
2. Have absolute faith in God for provisions.
3. At your work see yourself as the ambassador of God and not that of your boss. Don’t pay attention to those who say “Is this your father’s job?” Regard God as your employer.
4. Never squeeze money. Plan for money through a budget before it gets to you. Save money and invest money.
5. When you are wealthy minister and inspire others with your words and wealth. Be a financial prophet of God.
6. Be real, don’t fake your living.
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