2 February 2013





9.Any technique learned  for JAMB exam must increase your speed in making choices and must also increase your accuracy in deciding the best answers.The names we have given to the techniques for quicker understanding by Nigeria students are:




Let us write more notes on each method  specifying  how exactly they should be used under different circumstances during the exams.

…whatever u do including learning of jamb techniques do it with all your mind, body and soul…


10.Operation Sweep was a quick intervention force in the Nigerian Police for battling armed robbers especially. But it later changed it’s name  to  Rapid Response Service (RRS)

10.The other names for this method are “SURVEY WITH ANTICIPATION” or “ANSWER PREDICTION METHOD”. The philosophy behind the method is to take a 100 meter dash across relatively easier questions self-classified  as EASY. The idea is to send the possible and hard questions mentally to the other two techniques by marking them as you go over the question papeer. The method is based on the belief that some questions are give –away ( or take-away in the Nigerian sense). When you see such questions there is no need to suspect the examiner of trying to deceive you. Just be careful when the answer you want to pick is option A  cause it may be a sign that you should check the other options too. But don’t decide against an option because it looks too easy.

…where is our food?..the techniques?…

11. It is also called “answer search”, “answer prediction” or “derivative” method because you are only to read the questions not the options before making your choice. You are expected to cover up the options with your hand to decide what the  answer is then look  at the options available. If your answer is among the options, pick it and move to the next question.

         For emphasis,

  • Block with your hand all the answers

  • Decide the best answer mentally

  • Remove your hand and see if the best answer is among the options. If so, choose it.

  • However, you will be well advised to  read other options if you have found the right answer because JAMB  questions are based on the “best” answer  approach. You are expected to select not only a technically correct answer but the most completely correct (best) answer

12.Don’t spend more than 30 seconds on any predictive answer. Any question answered should be either crossed out

        on the question paper .

  13.Don’t panic if you cannot find the answer among the options immediately. Leave it and return to it later using the other available techniques.

14. As mentioned earlier, accept questions at their face values and stop thinking there are tricks or that the questions are wrong.

        Don’t  second guess the examiner or try to get too simplistic or too elaborate or you will find that you are answering your

        own  questions.

15. Just because you have chosen the same letter a few times say, 3 times in a row (e.g. 3 B’s) does not make you wrong in picking another “B” for the next question.

is that not amarachi dancing like it was going  to be out of supply…again body and soul fully involved!…that’s life!…when we refer to some of those dancing here as Facebook people they’ll remember we were in touch with them just before the end of September…hope all is well…virtually all went through JAMB into various universities and got to know about the same techniques and exam scrapbook which was then known  as the Red Note…

16.The method uses recognition memory but could be less effective for someone who has tension in the exam hall. Only those who are relaxed and confident(purpose of teaching techniques) can benefit from the method. The major act  is to recall what is in the exam scrapbook in relation to  questions  asked. The process is as follows: read question—–recognize the key points—–recall information from the exam scrap book—-decide answer— look at the options—-choose option.

17. This method is the only purest effort in the JAMB exam which tries to answer the questions directly. On the other hand the other methods behave more like answering the answers presented(as we shall observe later)

18.Once you have chosen your answers don’t change them later on when your brain is less efficient. Studies have shown that when students change their answers later on, they usually change them to wrong answers.

19.If you are finally certain of the first answer, leave it as it is. Stick to it. Change answers only if your earlier answer was a guess or if you missed the question e.g. you did not notice a qualifier such as “not” or “always” in the question.

all mason college students were well groomed especially by mrs iyeye,our vice principal,co-curricula activities  who used to be a member of the national dance troupe…similarly jamb students must submit to some purposeful grooming!..

20.Don’t panic if you see questions you never anticipated or prepared for. One of the two remaining techniques will take care of such questions.

21.In using this method, please remember what was earlier said about options. They will be made up of the following:         

a.   An answer that is irrevocably right (best answer)         

b.   An answer that is true only to a limited extent vis-à-vis the question and therefore false. (Partially correct answer)              

c.   An answer that looks odd but is only possibly false. Any option that is partially false cannot be correct(Partially wrong answer)

d. An answer that is entirely false and  is very obvious if you have complete grasp of the question. (Worst answer)

22. Definitely, doing the easiest questions  first calms down the nerves and establishes your concentration for  other methods.


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