[caption id="attachment_855" align="aligncenter" width="399"]
1…youths are from different backgrounds with different personal needs…but most of those who conduct these
tutorials do not target personal needs….
2…schemes of work subject-by-subject for the period of 3 to 6 months used are not strategic…
3…what WAEC and NECO examiners really want are hardly ever really identified…most times tutorials are given mindlessly…
4…attendance by students are neither strictly monitored nor reported back to LGAS/LCDAS …parents hardly ever know what is really going on…
5…most students use lecture periods for social networking because those in charge never put disciplinary measures in place…
6…feedback per student showing improvements achieved or otherwise are neither compiled nor submitted to LGAS and parents…
7…many of the so-called youth empowerment schemes are only money-making sources for some LGAS/LCDAS officials …IN SOME CASES THESE OFFICIALS TAKE THEIR CHAIRMEN TO THE CLEANERS TOO!…
8…deliberate steps are not taken to discourage students from sharpening their malpractices skills…in many cases students see these so-called lectures as irrelevant and useless…reasons why students refuse to read or prepare for exams are never really tackled leading to repeated mass failures every 6 months…
9…tutors used for tutorials are usually of low quality for maximization of profits by organizers…particularly they lack even the basic skills for educational support services…
10…relevant LGA officials directed by their chairmen to provide over sight supervision hardly do their jobs or exert appropriate authority in getting the job done…
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