10 March 2013



[caption id="attachment_6810" align="aligncenter" width="500"]40 COMMON STAFF WEAKNESSES IN NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE) graduating students on external lunch outing with staff members[/caption]

This summary write-up is not meant for Nigerian school proprietors only but for parents and members of staff too.The overall aim is to make sure of better staff performance  wherever they may be. These are observations made over several years of management of  secondary schools at different levels.If you are a staff member of any school ,whether private or public,state or federal it is hoped that after reading this you’ll be geared up to make things better personally and for your school…

1. Grammatical errors in writing.

2. Work versus Religious Worship Debacle.Staff deciding to go for Bible Study instead of helping weak students waiting for him in school to improve.

3.” Not my job” attitude.

4.Words and  Deeds  at variance.

5. Naked  lazy attitudes.

6. Work versus reported family tribulations many of the latter eventually found to be cooked up.

7. Computer illiteracy.

8. Self Deception.

9. Procrastination.

10. Negative thinking about owner or/and management.

11. Lack of passion for academic or/and non-academic school activities

12.Stubbornness/Disobedience  of staff rules and regulations.

13. Unnecessary errors arising from lack of attention after relevant briefing.

14. Using  Pidgin English on school premises or encouraging students to do likewise.

15. Being  ill-mannered/Lacking etiquette.

16. Lack of personal and group work ethics/Lateness to school or classes.

17. Stealing of school properties or money.

18. Technical deficiency vi-a-vis responsibility

19. Undue favoritism or “Mr Nice’ attitude` towards some students.

20. Inconsistent performance.

21.Gossiping about other staff members and management.

22.Lack of the simplest form of gratitude.

23. Unbelief in God

24. Inability or unpreparedness at understanding school objectives.

25. Commercial/Trading activities in school.

26. Encouraging students to break school rules or setting them against school management.

27. Perpetual fear of losing the job.

28. Lack of definite personal goals.

29. Exercising authority not given such as caning of students.

30. Drinking or smoking on duty.

31.Asking parents for monetary favors directly or through their children.

32.Providing less info to students or management when more is required

33. Non or improper delegation of duty.

34.Using abusive language on students or getting angry with slow learners in class.

35.Misuse of school stationery and careless ruling of registers.

36. Badly prepared lesson notes /Preparation of lesson notes after giving lectures

37. Bad Hand-writing.

38. Consistent disloyalty through regular external job interviews or backbiting to parents on management falsely or trying to get parents transfer their children from the school he is working

39. Weak Personal Hygiene.

40. Non-personalization of services to the school including not counseling students when necessary or not giving them proper leadership during trips out of the school.

GOOD LUCK.Enhanced by Zemanta

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